Tournament Information Page





Code of Conduct Policy


Golf Newfoundland Labrador has adopted the Code of Code implemented for national competitions by Golf Canada. Golf NL takes great pride in the quality of its competitions, which would not be possible without the active support and assistance of its corporate partners, host facilities and broad community involvement at each competition. In order to continue making Golf NL competitions enjoyable for everyone, all players are required to adhere to Golf NL's Player Code of Conduct.


The Golf NL Player Code of Conduct must be followed by all players and caddies (when permitted), on and off the golf course, throughout the entire competition, including the practice round(s).


All players are expected to act and play in the spirit of the game by:


• Acting with integrity – for example, by following the Rules, applying all penalties, and being honest in all aspects of play.

• Showing consideration to others – for example, by playing at a prompt pace, looking out for the safety of others, and not distracting the play of another player.

• Taking good care of the course – for example, by replacing divots, smoothing bunkers, repairing ball-marks, and not causing unnecessary damage to the course.


Violations of the Code of Conduct:


• Unsportsmanlike conduct, including bullying, harassment, discrimination, intimidation, abusive or offensive language, club throwing, disrespect to volunteers, referees, officials, host facility personnel, other players, or spectators or abuse of golf course property.

• Consumption of alcoholic beverages, cannabis or any illegal substance on the competition course or any designated practice areas.

• Possession or consumption of alcohol, tobacco (smoking, vaping or chewing) products or any illegal substance in junior competitions or by minors in any competition, on or off the course, throughout the entire competition.

• Failure to adhere to the dress code policy while on the host facility property. • Any vandalism or abusive behavior whether at the host, or other, hotel or to a host family, or their property. • Any other conduct unbecoming of a player in a Golf Canada competition occurring throughout the entire competition.


Code of Conduct Penalties:


Golf NL has adopted the Local Rule under Rule 1.2b setting standards of player conduct on the golf course during play. The Golf NL Tournament Committee may assess any or all of the following penalties outlined below, based on the severity and frequency of the violation.

• Warning

• One penalty stroke

• General Penalty (Two stroke penalty)

• Disqualification


Note: Under Rule 1.2a, a Committee may disqualify a player for serious misconduct for acting contrary to the spirit of the game.


Unacceptable behavior that a player may be penalized for during a round, may include:

• Failure to care for the course, including, but not limited to the failure to fill or replace divots, rake bunkers, or repair ball marks.

• Unacceptable language.

• Abuse of clubs or the course.

• Being disrespectful of volunteers, referees, officials, host facility, personnel, other players or spectators.


Note: Every athlete and other person participating in the competition shall reasonably cooperate with the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) or another anti-doping organization investigating anti-doping rule violations and that a failure to do so may be the basis for disciplinary action.


Any suspected breach of this policy may be reported to any member of the Golf NL tournament committee or referee. The Tournament Committee is the sole judge in determining conduct unbecoming and may assess any or all of the preceding penalties based on the severity and frequency of the current or past violation(s). Any Code of Conduct violation will result in a written letter to the player.


In the event of a suspension, the player will be required to submit a written account of the Code of Conduct violation to the Golf NL's Competitions Committee within 30 days of the suspension. The Committee will determine the length of the suspension after reviewing all submitted materials, including a Golf NL tournament official/staff account of the violation. Any player who is under suspension will not be eligible for post-season honors.

All instances of abuse, bullying, harassment or discrimination require an incident report to be compiled by the tournament director who must also notify Golf NL's Board of Directors of any such Code of Conduct violations, as well as the sanctions imposed as a result of such violations.

Note: Junior players and parents are required to review and sign the Code of Conduct form (below) and present at the time of Player registration.



2023 Royal LePage Amateur Championships

Tamarack GolfClub

Schedule of Events


Thursday July 20th


2:00 P.M. Practice Round Draw by Golf NL

1:00 P.M. Tournament Committee Meeting

2:00 P.M. Volunteer Training Meeting - Boardroom

3:00 P.M. Officials Meeting – Boardroom

1:00 P.M. Player Registration - Lobby

6:30 P.M. Players Social Meeting - Clubhouse


Friday July 21st

7:30 A.M. Day 1 Competition Order of Play for Day 1:

- Men Amateur

- Men Mid Amateur

- Men Senior/Super

- Ladies Divisions


Saturday July 22nd

7:30 A.M. Day 2 Competition Order of Play for Day 2:

- Men Senior/Super Senior

- Ladies Divisions

- Men Amateur

- Men Mid-Amateur


6:30 P.M. Players Dinner Theatre


Sunday July 23rd

7:30 A.M Day 3 Competition Order of Play for Day 3:

- Ladies Divisions

- Men  Senior

- Men Mid-Amateur

- Men Amateur


6:00 P/M. Awards Presentations


Please note that this is a tentative schedule and subject to change